All posts tagged Sound Effects

Scottish Freedom–Come to Life!

Production has wrapped on our latest project, and it’s ready for purchase! Find out more and buy your copy at Enjoy the sample above and experience this exciting audio drama!

“In Freedom’s Cause” Audio Drama Update

The voice track editing is done, and the sound design has begun in earnest. Swords, horses, fireplaces, large wooden doors and…barns have been our focus over the past few weeks.

One scene takes place in an abandoned barn. Finding an area with NO TRAFFIC is the challenge! And for the past few weeks, we’ve been searching for just such a place. We found limited success today.Barn 3

This barn was abandoned a few years ago, and the pigeons and owls have moved in. We set up all of our gear and began recording, but our presence scared all of the birds away! So we essentially recorded an hour of a silent, empty room. We’ll go back this weekend to try another approach.Barn 1 Barn 2